We are happy to announce that the new personal retreat program in Encinitas is now open. The retreat, with accommodations adjacent to the Encinitas Ashram Center grounds, provides an opportunity for personal meditation, study, and reflection along with group meditations and inspirational services at the Encinitas Temple and the J Street Chapel.

Retreatants will also have access to the meditation gardens and be able to visit the Encinitas Hermitage. For more information, and to register online, please visit https://encinitastemple.org/retreat/ or call the Retreat Office at 760-753-1811.

There will be a memorial service at the Encinitas Temple for longtime SRF Kriyaban Cathyrose Johnson this Saturday, March 29, at 2 p.m. All are welcome to attend.

You’re in for a special treat at this year’s Movie Night – a triple feature! First, we will watch some clips from a SRF National Youth Retreat held in 2004 at the SRF Lake Shrine, followed by a full Encinitas Halloween puppet show held on the ashram grounds in the early 2000’s entitled, “A Star is Born.” Finally, the main feature, The Life of Paramahansa Yogananda: The Early Years in America. This documentary video – written and produced by monks of Self-Realization Fellowship – follows our Guru’s footsteps during his pioneering efforts to introduce the West to the timeless spiritual heritage of the East. 

This event is free, and no reservations are required! So, mark your calendars for this coming Saturday, March 29, 6 – 7:30 p.m. at the J Street Chapel. We look forward to seeing you there!

Please note that the SRF Lessons Study Group is canceled for this event.

Saturday, March 29: The SRF Lessons Study Group is canceled.