Our Temple Meeting takes place this Tuesday, February 18, from 7 – 8:30 p.m.  at the main Temple. The meeting begins with a short inspirational talk followed by a half-hour meditation, Temple updates, and an Autobiography of a Yogi study class given by the minister. All are welcome.

Please note that both the main Temple and the J Street Chapel will be unavailable on Saturday, March 1, until 4 p.m. due to a Youth Services Seminar. Both the six-hour Saturday Meditation and the afternoon Open Chapel at J Street Chapel are cancelled. You are welcome to participate in the Online Meditation Center’s six-hour Meditation and Energization Exercises instead.

The Saturday evening SRF Lessons Group will meet as usual. Thank you for your understanding.

Saturday, February 22: The SRF Lessons Study Group is reading from Supplement Lesson 25, “Understanding and Attuning with the Power of Love.”